

This order applies to ceramic objects that may be vitrified, decorated or enamelled.

This decree sets the maximum quantities of lead and cadmium that objects brought into contact with foodstuffs can release. The test conditions and analysis methods are described in the appendices to directive no. 84-500 of October 15, 1984.

This decree sets the maximum quantities of lead and cadmium that may be released by objects in contact with foodstuffs.

This order is modified by the order of May 23, 2006.


The decree of May 23, 2006 concerns ceramic objects placed or intended to be placed in contact with foodstuffs . It revises the order of November 7, 1985.

The changes made are as follows:

  • the determination of the quantities of lead and cadmium ceded by ceramic objects to foodstuffs, the test conditions and the method of analysis are carried out on the basis of the annexes to the present decree and no longer on the basis of Annexes I and II to Directive n°84/500/EEC.

  • the obligation for ceramic objects not yet brought into contact with foodstuffs to be accompanied by a written declaration (with a description of the information that must appear on it.)

  • the repeal of the decree of January 28, 1983 relating to the determination of the symbol that may accompany materials and objects intended to come into contact with foodstuffs.