Europe (EU)


These guidelines are part of a series of documents intended to guide in the implementation of Regulation (EU) No. 10/2011 on plastic materials and articles intended to come into contact with food. The series covers general guidelines, guidelines on migration testing, guidelines on migration modeling as well as these guidelines on information in the supply chain.

These guidelines deal with information to be produced and exchanged in the supply chain, as required by the Plastics Regulation. More specifically, these guidelines include:

  • The purpose of the Declaration of Conformity ("DoC") ;
  • The DoC for plastic materials and articles, for products at intermediate stages of their manufacture and for substances used in the manufacture of materials and articles as provided for in Article 15 and Annex IV of the Plastics Regulation;
  • Adequate information on coatings, adhesives and inks that are an integral part of plastic materials and articles.

These guidelines clarify the DoC's relationship with Regulation (EC) No. 1935/ 2004 on materials and articles intended to come into contact with food and Regulation (EC) No. 2023/2006 on good manufacturing practice (GMP) for materials and articles intended to come into contact with food.

These guidelines are based on the Commission services' current interpretation of the issuance of a DoC at all stages of marketing, with the exception of sale to the final consumer, as provided for in Article 15 (1) of the Plastics Regulation. The guidelines will be updated when the provisions of the Regulation applicable to plastics are amended, in order to improve clarity, consistency and applicability.

These guidelines sometimes mention aspects of supporting documentation (vouchers), the labeling provisions of the framework regulation or documentation requirements under GMP.