Europe (EU)


This regulation, which was published on September 15, 2022 and came into force on October 10, 2022, repealing Regulation (EC) No. 282/2008 of March 27, 2008, lays down requirements for materials and articles made from recycled plastics. It establishes an authorization procedure for recycling processes based on appropriate technology or new technology used in the manufacture of recycled plastics intended to come into contact with food. It lays down transitional measures for the authorization of certain recycling processes/plants, and the trade and use of recycled plastics. The rules laid down in Regulation (EC) No 2023/2006 on good manufacturing practice apply.

Annex I describes appropriate recycling technologies.

Annex II provides a model of the compliance monitoring summary sheet provided for in Article 26 of the Regulation.

Annex III provides two models of written declaration of conformity for recyclers (part A) and for processors (part B).

Application guidelines

The new regulation (EU) n° 2022/1616 defines rules applicable to the manufacturing process of recycled plastics to ensure that the decontamination process leads to the chemical and microbiological safety of plastics. To this end, this regulation requires EFSA (European Food Safety Authority) to assess recycling processes to verify that they are capable of producing safe plastics before they are authorized. The regulation also defines the rules applicable to quality control of recycled plastics, and their application by public authorities. In addition, it includes a procedure that establishes whether new recycling technologies are suitable for recycling plastics intended for food contact, and supports the development of innovative recycling technologies.

To meet these requirements, EFSA has published under the repealed Regulation (EC) 282/2008, guidelines on the submission of a dossier for the safety assessment of a recycling process. These guidelines, updated in 2021, are intended to give guidance to applicants seeking authorization for recycled plastics production processes. They provide guidance on the administrative and technical data required, and on the submission of applications to EFSA. However, these guidelines apply only to processes using mechanical recycling of PET, considered an appropriate technology under the new regulation. They do not apply to recycling processes based on a new technology (e.g. chemical recycling). Full guidelines on the application of the new regulation are currently being drawn up. They will be drafted taking into account initial feedback on the implementation of the new regulation, particularly for processes using new technology.

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