The renewal of UMT SAFEMAT 22.07 for a new 5-year period (2022-2026) is the result of our collective reflection undertaken since 2020 within UMT SAFEMAT 17.09. The proposed new work program, in line with the work already undertaken, takes account of a profound change in the French and European regulatory context, and prepares for the necessary changes in European regulations on materials in contact with food to support the transition from a linear economy to a circular economy, where materials are increasingly recycled, reused and reemployed. Our positioning is rooted in engineering type approaches and is at the service of industrial sectors and consumers:

- risk analysis from the molecule to the distribution, collection and recycling system;

- development of rapid, in-situ methods for characterizing and analyzing substance transfer risks (from packaging to tank);

- incorporation of the above approaches into methods for prototyping articles, shaping processes.

Various skills tailored to the objectives sought are brought together within UMT SafeMat 22.07: analytical chemistry, physical chemistry, materials science, process engineering, multi-scale modeling and digital simulation. The UMT benefits from the consolidation and dynamism of the University of Paris-Saclay's "Agro" cluster (joint site, UMR 0782 SayFood research unit Paris-Saclay Food and Bioproduct, team Modeling and Engineering through Computation). Our ability to predict and guide technological choices associated with food packaging makes UMT SafeMat a structure of choice to support public policies and industrial strategies with complete independence.


R&D priorities

For its renewal in 2022, the UMT SafeMat 22.07 aims to enable uhealth assessment and management of packaging (i) from its material state before shaping, (ii) as a disposable, reusable or reusable finished article, (iii) through to its final collection and (iv) recycling into reusable material. Throughout the cycle, the composition of the material evolves as a result of the loss of substances (migration, decontamination), the gain of substances (absorption of food constituents, cross-contamination), and the chemical aging of materials (neo-formed substances). The gradual interweaving of recycled material loops will most likely lead to developments that are unsuspected today, given our lack of knowledge of upstream and downstream practices in the sector, and the intensity of trade between recycled material countries. With this in mind, the UMT SafeMat 22.07 anticipates and prepares tomorrow's solutions to enable efficient and economically viable implementation of the developments called for by the AGEC law and the SUP directive


The general orientations of the UMT SafeMat 22.07 are broken down into three complementary R&D areas:

  • the alimentarity of recyclates (a focus already recognized by the UMT's academic, technical and industrial partners);
  • the aging of recycled, reused, reemployed, compostable materials (focus to be developed, drawing on technical expertise already present at LNE);
  • engineering integrating the product-packaging pair (a focus to be federated and for which the UMT already has a contribution).



Jean Mario Julien, Ph.D., Research Engineer(LNE)

Olivier Vitrac, Ph.D., Directeur de Recherche (INRAe)

Scientific animators

Sandra Domenek, Ph.D., Professor(AgroParisTech)

Phuong-Mai Nguyen, Ph.D., Research Engineer (LNE)

Cédric Lyathaud, Research Engineer (LNE)

Technical resources

The main tools and devices pooled within the UMT SafeMat are presented in the table below


Tools and means of calculation


and material shaping

Analytical chemistry

Computing cluster (1200 cores)

Chemometrics (PCA, ICA, multitable methods...)

Materials Studio, Lammps

Matlab, Octave, R

Comsol Multiphysics

INRAE software libraries for migration risk assessment, safe design and eco-design of packaging

Gas permeameters



Internal mixer

Compression presses

Pulling machines

MFI (plastometer)

UV/VIS, Fluo, FTIR-ATR, SEM microscopy

Raman microscopy

UV/climate aging chambers







HPLC-UV / RI /Fluo




Cryogenic evaporator/concentrator

Scientific production

Scientific poster presentations


BUDDIE-PACK project: Reusable plastic packaging

ANR PACKSAFE project "Integrated chemical safety assessment of food contact articles"

Chemical fingerprinting concept applied to chemical risk management of materials, recycled deposits and food packaging

Mass transfer controlling the safety of recycled paper and board for food contact

Evaluation of functional barriers for the widespread use of recycled plastics for contact

Evaluation of material transfer of polyaromatic substances in cellulosic and plastic materials used for food packaging

New strategies to evaluate and manage recycled materials for food contact

Is it safe to use recycled PET for food contact without a decontamination step? Case of ABA trays

Assessment of functional barriers for the generalized use of recycled plastics for food contact

Risk Assessment of Plastic Greenhouse Films formulated by Non-Evaluated Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons

ECLA project: Efficiency of Light Waterfalls for Agriculture

Cross-contamination of packaging: mass transfer without contact

Hierarchical nanocelluloses-based materials for the elaboration of highly gas-barrier materials

Computer-aided design of responsible packaging

Prediction of diffusion and sorption properties for the circular economy

In-situ imaging of chemical contaminants in recycled paper and board

Fingerprints from GC-MS data to manage recycled streams for food contact

Preserving food and cosmetics quality: permeation of organic vapors

Methodological developments for analysis of non-intentionally added substances (NIAS) The European platform to learn how to develop responsible food packaging

MYPACK PROJECT: Sustainable packaging solutions


Technical coordination association for the food industry
Laboratoire national de métrologie et d'essais
French National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and the Environment